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WFA Giving Back

Always striving to give back, our founder Jim Dobbs, has been instrumental in helping those who need it the most. For many years, it was building wells to provide clean water. Something we all take for granted here in the U.S. but is not the norm in many other parts of the world. Most recently, […]

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13 Ways Your Financial Advisor Should Be Like Your Doctor

It’s a routine visit – your blood pressure, height/weight, and general health questions. Doctor comes in and spends a minute going over things. You mention a strange pain in your side. He tells you to eat healthier and exercise to lose a few pounds. You leave with a prescription for pain relief and cholesterol. So […]

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How Can A Realtor With $3M at 55 Save $6M By 65?

Panic, worry, and confusion are what someone with $3,000,000 feels when they know they need $6,000,000 for a comfortable retirement. Gary has been in Real Estate since he was 25. Throughout the years his work evolved until he owned his own company. It’s taken him 30 years of hard work, blood, sweat and beers (not […]

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Car Buying Success Stories

Have you ever walked out of a dealership still wondering if you’d gotten the best deal? The questions linger: Could you have gotten another thousand dollars off? Was your trade-in value reasonable? Was that one fee really “required by law”? The questions linger, “What if…” You’re not alone, many of us have been in the same […]

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When I retire, my car is going to cost $342,220.00?!

The goods we use every day become more expensive as time goes on. While you could have bought 100 gumballs in the 1950’s with one dollar, today you’d be lucky to buy 4 gumballs with that same dollar. A few less gumballs when you retire? No big deal. However, what you can expect to pay […]

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How do We Invest for Clients?

Today’s investment landscape has so many choices. There are over 10,000 Mutual funds worldwide – more than enough to make your head spin. So how do you make an informed decision? The below three items were taken into account for how we invest for our clients, and believe it or not – our own accounts. […]

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The Technical Details – How We Invest for Clients

In our last article, “How do We Invest for Clients?“, we discussed three key items that we take into account when reducing risk in our clients’ accounts. What are the technical details that accomplish the below? Diversification Asset Allocation Money Managers We work with Russell Investments to address these key issues. Below is how Russell really knocks […]

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What if Clean Water Cost You $67,500?

You wouldn’t drink water that’s clear as mud – help us give the Haitian people the same opportunity! Jim, the president of Woodfield Financial Advisors matches $1 for $1 to any donations. Each clean water well currently costs $6,750 and the goal is 10 wells for this next year! 24 wells have already been completed […]

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Why You Need TRIPLE the Media’s Suggested $1M Nest Egg

If Bob (35) and Patty (35) retire in 30 years with $1,000,000 in investments, they will be struggling. That wasn’t a typo – they will have a difficult retirement worrying how to make ends meet. The media touts headlines made to garner page views: “Fool proof ways to Retire With a Million Dollars” “4 Simple […]

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What good is $1,000,000 if you’re dead?

In this day and age, people are living longer and longer. Advances in medicine and more awareness about healthy choices have us living till we are 100+ years old. Despite all of this, there are still times that we are taken from this earth way too soon. The below are just a handful of examples […]

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